Role Models Project

This project aims to give all sports a space to highlight those who are role models, like the active fit and sporty plan these people can be athletes of any level, coaches, officials, or anyone who is a crucial part of the sport/activity. The aim is to provide role models across ability, age and interests. This should fulfil the idea that there is something for everyone in sports.

The Female Sports Forum offers space to any sport that wishes to showcase women and girls whom their members see as role models. Additionally, the role models will be put on a page that will provide other ways to get involved with the sport/activity. The hope is that the Female Sports Forum will be a way to connect people with sports/activities they may want to get into and find activities they may not know about. The Female Sports Forum’s goal is to get women and girls active!

The Female Sports Forum hopes to not only showcase talent but those who are also exceptional role models for their communities and peers. An NGB said correctly that a 12-year-old may look up to an Olympian in their sport but also to the 16 year that is currently on the team they hope to be on one day. Role models look different to everyone and we as the Female Sports Forum should represent that!


To nominate an individual please fill out the form: 

If you would like to know more please look at the entire proposal: Role Models Project

Any questions email:

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